Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

S0 lately my work has been really slow, and I mean REALLY slow... but today, since it was Easter Sunday, I was able to get one! Today my job was 'swing' ...which really is pretty easy. I stand in the yellow area...waiting for trucks to come in.. while talkin to my friend

Here is a truck.. pullin up waiting for a container to be on its back.

You can see in the next crane over that its on the side of the chassis because the swingmen (me) has to take off the cones... haha its pretty easy

These are the cones that you take off.. probly like 12 pounds

Then they put the container on top of the chassis, and the UTR driver goes through the scanning thing to make sure its not like a bomb or anything haha, and yep...thats it.. 

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